Monday, May 18, 2015

THOW Ideas, early stages

Our Tiny Humble Abode!
So far, we don't have all of our thoughts organized as they have kind of piled up faster than we could get them written (or typed!) down. We have a few ideas on a spreadsheet but most are in he form of scribbles and sketches. Our next project is going to be organizing our plans and ideas. 

Below is a list of a few of our ideas. Most of the items need further research as to the exact models and materials we are looking for.  As I think of more I will add them and make changes (changes will be struck through and/or noted so we can track our thoughts). 

Let me know your thoughts and opinions! 


• Off grid:
solar & possible backup generator until we can incorporate additional alternative energy [ie: wind]
- composting toilet. We are leaning towards Nature's Head
• Use as many re/up-cycled materials as possible
• Multiple function furniture. Because one uses a single area of the home at a time we don't want the minimally used areas to take up a lot of room. For example: a breakfast bar instead of a table as it serves as a prep space and eating area and a Murphy bed with fold-down desk.
• "Green" materials. We are reducing our carbon footprint by living tiny and going off grid so the materials need to fit this criteria as well.
SketchUp. We are going to attempt to use this computer program to design our tiny house inch by inch. We have been told it's user friendly. We are just waiting to have the trailer in our possession before we can start. When we finish we will be happy to share our plans!
• Security System

Design (materials)

• Metal roof that is darker colored to melt snow better. I have read if you are going to collect rain water for use a metal roof is he best choice. Here is a great article and video on metal roof installation.

 • Cedar siding. Cedar is naturally resistant to insect damage and rot. I enjoy its natural and timeless appearance.  

• Bamboo flooring throughout the THOW with the exception of the bathroom where we will use tile. 

• We try to stay as close to nature as possible; we eat organic, garden, DIY natural cleaning products, etc. We hope the materials used to build our THOW will demonstrate such.

Design (style)

• Windows, windows, windows! We are doing a single slope roof (see picture below) where the tallest side will be the front. We will use the extra space to incorporate wide awning windows. 

• Closed off bedroom. Wyatt and I have different sleep schedules and having an open bedroom meant I couldn't make tea, popcorn, or watch TV while he was sleeping. No. Way. At the time that a loft was still in our design plan we were planning to close it off. That might make it seem less open and more cramped. So we thought to incorporate windows to keep it feeling open and let light through. Once we found our trailer we no longer had that design issue with the closed off bedroom. Our partially finished camper trailer showed a perfect layout for our lifestyle. 

 • Horizontal Murphy bed with desk. We don't work and sleep at the same time (although, I would love to if I could!) so this was the best use of space in the bedroom. Especially because with the bed down it takes up almost the whole room. Even with different sleep schedules this plan will work the best.  If I need to work at night I can grab my tablet or laptop and work on the counter or couch.

• Recessed lighting throughout. The less bulky design items the more spacious I hope our THOW will appear. 

Eco-Friendly Materials:

We are researching our options of "green" or eco-friendly materials. It is pretty time consuming doing the research needed in order to make the best purchase in terms of being green and budget friendly.  I want to take it one step at a time but it seems we have to continue increasing our budget in doing so. I hope by making trips to our local Habitat for Humanity Restores for up-cycled materials we will offset the increases in our budget. 
We will do our best and use the most eco-friendly materials in the most important of places. One place of concern for me is the freshwater storage tank. I am having quite a bit of trouble finding one that is BPA free or non-plastic.  I have read many people simply not using their storage tanks for drinking but I don't want to go out and purchase plastic jugs of water to drink and cook with if I can simply have a toxin-free tank.  We will also use stainless, copper, or toxin-free pipes for our water in lieu of plastic.  
Do you know of any eco-friendly (and health friendly) freshwater storage tank options??

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